
Saturday 26 August 2023

Yucca plant propagation | Super easy method to grow yucca plant

Yucca is a genus of perennial shrub or small tree in the family asparagaceae and native to the hot and dry parts of the americas and the caribbean. This plants are widely grown as an ornamental house plants and some species are used in traditional medicine purpose. It is a very slow growing and low maintenance houseplants. Yucca plants are mainly propagate through division of pups and suckers. In this video I'm going to show you - how to propagate yucca plant. Yucca plant propagation step: 1. First of all take out yucca plant from the pot. 2. Gently separate the yucca sucker with knife or any gardening tools. It is a very simple and fastest method, you can do it any time of the year. 3. Making potting mix for yucca plant, the ratio of the potting mix is 60% garden soil, 20% fine sand and 20% vermicompost, mix it well. 4. Take a well-drain pot and cover the drainage hole with some coconut husk. Fill it with potting mix. 5. Plant yucca sucker into the potting mix. 6. Finally water it properly and keep it in partial sunlight place for a few days.

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