
Saturday 26 August 2023

What is cocopeat? How to use cocopeat and benefits?

Cocopeat is naturally growing media made from the coconut husk. It is a very lightweight and spongy, which is widely used as an organic growing medium. Cocopeat blocks are easily available in plant market or e-commerce website. How to use cocopeat? Take a cocopeat block and place it in a container. Then slowly add water, allow to expand. When it has absorbed enough water it will become loose. This will take about five to ten minutes, then you can break off the cocopeat block with your hand. Now it's ready to use for potting mix. Why to use cocopeat? Cocopeat is used as a soil supplement to keep the soil well drained and holding moisture. It is an ideal medium for seeds germination, so you can easily germinate any seeds in it. Cocopeat is widely used in horticulture for its antifungal properties, water holding abilities and eco-friendly. It can reused for up to five years.

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