
Saturday 26 August 2023

Philodendron micans propagation from cuttings | Super easy method to gro...

Philodendron micans (philodendron hederaceum) propagation from stem cuttings with update. Philodendron micans is an evergreen perennial indoor house plant or vine, in the family araceae and native to central america and caribbean. It is commonly known as philodendron hederaceum, heartleaf philodendron, philodendron scandens, philodendron hederaceum var. hederaceum, velvet philodendron, etc. Philodendron micans plants are easily propagate from stem cutting. In this video I'm going to show you - how to propagate philodendron micans or philodendron hederaceum from cutting. Philodendron micans or philodendron hederaceum propagation step: 1. First of all cut any healthy stem from the main plant. 2. Take a well-drain pot and fill it with cocopeat or rice husk. 3. Take cutting and plant into the cocopeat, don't required any rooting powder. It is a very easy process you can do it any time of the year. 4. Finally sprinkle little bit of water and keep it in partial shade place.

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