
Saturday 26 August 2023

Syngonium Wendlandii or Arrowhead Plant Propagation From Cuttings (With ...

Syngonium wendlandii or arrowhead plant propagation from cuttings with update. Super easy method to grow syngonium wendlandii or arrowhead plant. Syngonium wendlandii (arrowhead plant) is a genus of syngonium, evergreen perennial ornamental house plant or vine, in the family araceae and native to the tropical rain forests in southeast mexico, west indies, central and south america. This are beautiful vine growing up to 10 meter or more. It is also known as arrowhead plant. Syngonium wendlandii plants are easily propagate from stem cuttings. In the video I'm going to show you how to propagate syngonium wendlandii from cutting. Syngonium wendlandii or arrowhead plant propagation step: 1. First of all cut any healthy vine with knife. 2. Take a well-drain pot and fill it with cocopeat or normal garden soil. 3. Plant cutting into the cocopeat and don't required any rooting powder. It is a very easy process you can do it any time of the year. 4. Finally sprinkle little bit of water and keep it in partial shade place.

Super Easy Method to Grow Agave Angustifolia or Century Plant | How to P...

Super easy method to grow agave angustifolia or century plant. How to propagate agave angustifolia. Agave plant or commonly called century plant (agave angustifolia / agave americana) is a very popular beautiful perennial ornamental indoor as well as outdoor plant, in the family asparagaceae and native to mexico and central america. It is also known as caribbean agave, maguey, american aloe, etc. This plants are widely cultivated as a landscape plant in tropical and subtropical climates. Agave plant mainly propagate through division of pups or suckers. In this video I'm going to show you - how to propagate agave plant or century plant. Agave plant propagation step: 1. First of all gently separate the sucker from the main plant with trowel or any gardening tools. 2. Making potting mix for agave plant, the ratio of the potting mix is 60% garden soil, 20% vermicompost, 20% fine sand, mix it well. 3. Take a pot and cover the drainage hole with some coconut husk, fill it with potting mix. 4. Plant agave sucker into the potting mix. 5. Finally water it properly and keep it in partial sunlight place for a few days.

Super Easy Method to Grow Rain lily or Zephyranthes from Bulb | How to P...

Super Easy Method to Grow Rain lily or Zephyranthes from Bulbs | How to Propagate Rain lily from Bulbs. Rain lily is a genus of temperate and tropical flowering plant and native to south america. It is also known as zephyranthes lily, fairy lily, magic lily, rainflower, zephyr lily, zephyranthes candida, atamasco lily etc. They are available in many different colors. Rain lily plant mainly grow from seed and bulb. In this video I'm going to show you how to propagate rain lily from bulbs. Rain lily or zephyranthes propagation step: 1. First of all take out rain lily from the pot. Gently separate all the bulbs and grow it in an individual pot. 2. Making potting mix for rain lily, the ratio of the potting mix is 60% garden soil, 20% vermicompost, 20% fine sand and mix it well. 3. Take two well drain pots and cover the drainage holes with some coconut husk. Fill it with potting mix. 4. Plant rain lily bulbs into the potting mix. 5. Finally water it properly and keep it in partial sunlight place for at least two to three days. After that keep it in full sunlight place.

Super Easy Method to Grow Bougainvillea From Cuttings | How to Propagate...

Super easy method to grow bougainvillea from cuttings | How to propagate bougainvillea from cuttings (with update). Bougainvillea is a very popular perennial tropical flowering plant which make an attractive addition to your home or garden. It is mainly native to brazil, peru and argentina. Bougainvillea plants are easily propagate from stem cuttings. In this video I am showing you how to propagate bougainvillea from cuttings. Bougainvillea propagation step: 1. First of all cut any semi hardwood stem which is 6 to 10 inch long. 2. Making potting mix for bougainvillea, the ratio of the potting mix is 60% garden soil, 20% vermicompost, 20% fine sand and mix it well. 3. Take a well drain pot and cover the drainage holes with some coconut husk. Fill it with potting mix. 4. Take a stem cutting and dip into the rooting powder. Plant cutting into the potting mix. Rooting powder is not mandatory, you can grow it without any rooting powder. It is a very easy process, you can do it any time of the year but best growing season is spring and monsoon. 5. Finally water it properly and keep it in partial sunlight place for a few days.

What is cocopeat? How to use cocopeat and benefits?

Cocopeat is naturally growing media made from the coconut husk. It is a very lightweight and spongy, which is widely used as an organic growing medium. Cocopeat blocks are easily available in plant market or e-commerce website. How to use cocopeat? Take a cocopeat block and place it in a container. Then slowly add water, allow to expand. When it has absorbed enough water it will become loose. This will take about five to ten minutes, then you can break off the cocopeat block with your hand. Now it's ready to use for potting mix. Why to use cocopeat? Cocopeat is used as a soil supplement to keep the soil well drained and holding moisture. It is an ideal medium for seeds germination, so you can easily germinate any seeds in it. Cocopeat is widely used in horticulture for its antifungal properties, water holding abilities and eco-friendly. It can reused for up to five years.

Chinese evergreen or aglaonema plant propagation and care

Chinese evergreen (aglaonema) is an evergreen air purifying perennial ornamental beautiful foliage decorative house plant in the araceae family. This species are mainly native to the tropical and subtropical regions of asia and new guinea. It's commonly known as chinese evergreen. The NASA recommended one of the best air purifying house plant is an aglaonema. This plant propagate can be done by stem cutting and dividing the shoots. Best cutting growing season is monsoon, early autumn and spring. Now I'm going to show you how to propagate chinese evergreen or aglaonema from dividing shoots. Chinese evergreen or aglaonema plant propagation step: First of all take this plant and dividing shoots from the main plant. It is a very simple and fastest method. Separate this shoots from the main plant and grow it individual pots. Now I'm make potting mix for Aglaonema plant. The ratio of the potting mix is 60% normal garden soil, 20% vermicompost and 20% fine sand. Mix it well. Take a pot with well drainage system and fill it with potting mix. Take this dividing shoots and planted into the center of the pot. Finally through watering and keep it partial shade place. Aglaonema is a very low maintenance and low light plant.The caring tips of Aglaonema plant. 1) Light : It prefer indirect sunlight or low light condition for best growth. 2) Potting mix : plant your aglaonema in well drained potting mix. 3) Watering : this plant love moist soil, so keep this soil just moist not soggy. 4) Fertilizer : this plant don't require too much fertilizer. Give vermicompost or any organic compost once in a six months.

Sansevieria coppertone or snake plant propagation from leaf cuttings (wi...

Easiest way growing and propagation of sansevieria coppertone or snake plant by leaf cuttings without using rooting powder. Snake plants (sansevieria coppertone or sansevieria trifasciata or dracaena trifasciata) are easily propagated from leaf cuttings or dividing rhizome. Snake plant is an evergreen perennial low maintenance, low light indoor house plants in the family asparagaceae and native to tropical west africa from nigeria east to the congo. It's commonly known as snake plant, mother in law's tongue, dracaena trifasciata, golden hahnii snake plant and sansevieria trifasciata. The NASA clean air study found sansevieria trifasciata has air purification qualities, remove 4 of the 5 main toxins. In this video I'm going to show you - sansevieria coppertone or snake plant propagation from leaf cuttings.

Swiss cheese plant or broken heart plant propagation from cuttings (with...

Easiest way growing and propagation of swiss cheese plant or monstera adansonii or broken heart plant from cuttings. Broken heart plant or commonly called swiss cheese plant or monstera adansonii or monstera plant is a perennial indoor house plant or vine, in the family araceae and native to the south america, central america and west indies. Broken heart plants are easily propagate from stem cuttings. In this video I'm going to show you - how to propagate broken heart plant or swiss cheese plant from cuttings. Broken heart plant or swiss cheese plant propagation step: 1. First of all take some mature vine and cut into small pieces with at least two nodes in each cutting. 2. Take a well-drain pot and fill it with cocopeat. 3. Plant cutting into the cocopeat and don't required any rooting powder. It is a very easy process you can do it any time of the year, but best growing season is spring. 4. Finally sprinkle little bit of water and keep it in partial shade place for a few days.

Super Easy Method To Grow Snake Plant or Sansevieria | Snake Plant Propa...

Snake plant or sansevieria is an evergreen perennial low maintenance indoor plant / house plant in the asparagaceae family and native to africa, madagascar and south east asia. It's commonly called sansevieria, snake plant, mother-in-law's tongue, sansevieria trifasciata etc. The NASA recommended one of the best air purifying house plants is snake plant. Snake plant mainly propagate through leaf cutting and dividing the rhizome. In this video I'm going to show you - how to propagation snake plant by dividing the rhizome. It is a very easiest method you can do it any time of the year.

Yucca plant propagation | Super easy method to grow yucca plant

Yucca is a genus of perennial shrub or small tree in the family asparagaceae and native to the hot and dry parts of the americas and the caribbean. This plants are widely grown as an ornamental house plants and some species are used in traditional medicine purpose. It is a very slow growing and low maintenance houseplants. Yucca plants are mainly propagate through division of pups and suckers. In this video I'm going to show you - how to propagate yucca plant. Yucca plant propagation step: 1. First of all take out yucca plant from the pot. 2. Gently separate the yucca sucker with knife or any gardening tools. It is a very simple and fastest method, you can do it any time of the year. 3. Making potting mix for yucca plant, the ratio of the potting mix is 60% garden soil, 20% fine sand and 20% vermicompost, mix it well. 4. Take a well-drain pot and cover the drainage hole with some coconut husk. Fill it with potting mix. 5. Plant yucca sucker into the potting mix. 6. Finally water it properly and keep it in partial sunlight place for a few days.

How to graft bougainvillea | Super easy method to multicolour bougainvil...

Super easy method to tree grafting with update. Grafting is a propagating method in which two plants are joined together and grow as a single plant. In grafting lower part which is attached to soil is called rootstock and upper part is called scion. In this video I'm going to show you - how to graft bougainvillea plant with update. How to make multicolour bougainvillea or multiple grafts on bougainvillea plant.

Philodendron micans propagation from cuttings | Super easy method to gro...

Philodendron micans (philodendron hederaceum) propagation from stem cuttings with update. Philodendron micans is an evergreen perennial indoor house plant or vine, in the family araceae and native to central america and caribbean. It is commonly known as philodendron hederaceum, heartleaf philodendron, philodendron scandens, philodendron hederaceum var. hederaceum, velvet philodendron, etc. Philodendron micans plants are easily propagate from stem cutting. In this video I'm going to show you - how to propagate philodendron micans or philodendron hederaceum from cutting. Philodendron micans or philodendron hederaceum propagation step: 1. First of all cut any healthy stem from the main plant. 2. Take a well-drain pot and fill it with cocopeat or rice husk. 3. Take cutting and plant into the cocopeat, don't required any rooting powder. It is a very easy process you can do it any time of the year. 4. Finally sprinkle little bit of water and keep it in partial shade place.

Spathoglottis plicata or ground orchid propagation and care

Ground orchid (spathoglottis plicata) or commonly called philippine ground orchid or large purple orchid or 苞舌兰属 (bao she lan shu) is an evergreen beautiful flowering plant in the family orchidaceae. It is found from tropical and subtropical asia to australia. Ground orchid mainly propagate using the division method. This method doesn't work for every plants, for this plant it's perfect. This plant propagation best season is spring. In this video I'm going to show you how to propagate spathoglottis plicata or ground orchid and it's care. Spathoglottis plicata or ground orchid propagation step: 1. First of all take out ground orchid from the pot. Gently separate the pups or bulbs with your hand or knife. I recommend not to use knife. It is a very simple and fastest method. 2. Making potting mix for ground orchid, the ratio of the potting mix is 70% coconut husk chips, 10% charcoal and 20% vermicompost. mix it well. 3. Take two well-drain pots and fill it with potting mix. 4. Plant ground orchid bulbs into the potting mix. 5. Finally water it properly and keep it partial sunlight place. Ground orchid is a very easy to grow and low maintenance plant, the care tips of ground orchid : 1. First tip is container : Pick a container with well drainage system to avoid root rot. 2. Second tip is potting mix : Plant your ground orchid in well drainage potting mix. 3. Third tip is light : Ground orchid don't required to much sunlight. Keep your ground orchid in low-light or partial sunlight place. 4. Fourth tip is watering : Ground orchid don't required to much water. Water your ground orchid every five to ten days , depending on the humidity in the environment. When top of the soil feels dry then water it.

Philodendron brasil propagation from cuttings

Philodendron brasil (heartleaf philodendron / philodendron scandens / philodendron hederaceum) is a perennial ornamental indoor house plant, in the family araceae. It is my philodendron brasil plant. Philodendron is a very easy to grow house plant. It is mainly native to south america and is a patented heart-leaf philodendron. The leaves look like they are colored in strokes of yellow and green, and resemble the flag of brasil, hence the common name. In this video I'm going to show you - how to propagate philodendron brasil from cuttings. Propagation step: 1) First of all cut any healthy stem from the main plant. 3) Take a well-drain pot and fill it with cocopeat. 4) Plant cutting into the cocopeat. 5) Finally sprinkle little bit of water and keep it in partial sunlight place. Philodendron brasil is a very low maintenance house plant. The caring tips of philodendron brasil plant. 1) First tip is : Pick a container with well drainage system to avoid root rot. 2) Second tip is potting mix : Plant your philodendron brasil in well-drain potting mix. 3) Third tip is light : It prefer indirect sunlight or low light for best growth. The interesting point of this plant, it can tolerate low light conditions. 4) Fourth tip is watering : Water your philodendron brasil every five to seven days, depending on the humidity in the environment. When top of the soil feels dry then water it. 5) Fifth tip is fertilizer : Philodendron brasil plant don't require too much fertilizer. Apply a vermicompost or any liquid fertilizer once in a two to three months.

How to grow lotus plant from lotus rhizome at home | How to transplant l...

Super easy method to grow lotus plant in container from lotus rhizome or tuber or runner at home. Lotus is a beautiful flowering water plant, in the family nelumbonaceae. It is commonly known as nelumbo nucifera, sacred lotus, laxmi lotus, indian lotus and simply lotus. Lotus (nelumbo nucifera gaertn) is the national flower of India. In this video I'm going to show you - how to grow lotus at home in container.

Multiple color plumeria flower grafting on one plant | Plumeria grafting...

Super easy method to graft champa or frangipani or plumeria plant, multiple color plumeria flower grafting on one plant. Plumeria is a tropical perennial flowering plant or shrubs, it's belongs to the family apocynaceae. It's commonly known as champa treechampa tree, frangipani, plumeria rubra, plumeria obtusa, plumeria tree, gulachin plant. Plumeria is a very popular flowering plant for it's fragrance. It is mainly native to the mexico, central america and brazil. In this video I'm going to show you how to graft plumeria or champa or frangipani. Grafting is a method in which two plants are joined together in such a way that two stems join and grow as a single plant. Maybe you have limited area in your garden, this is a great opportunity for you to get multiple colours of a flower on one plant.

Asparagus setaceus or asparagus fern propagation | Super easy method to ...

Asparagus fern (asparagus setaceus) is a perennial ornamental beautiful foliage decorative house plant, in the family asparagaceae and native to southeast africa. It is also known as asparagus setaceus, asparagus grass, lace fern, climbing asparagus etc. In this video I'm going to show you - how to propagate asparagus fern using the division method. This method doesn't work for every plants, for this plant it's perfect. Asparagus fern best growing season is spring, so this is the best time for propagation. Asparagus fern or asparagus setaceus propagation step: 1. First of all take out asparagus fern from the pot. 2. Gently cut the plant straight down with knife. It is a very simple and fastest method. 3. Making potting mix for asparagus fern, the ratio of the potting mix is 60% garden soil, 20% vermicompost, 20% fine sand and mix it well. 4. Take two well-drain pots and cover the drainage holes with some coconut husk. Fill it with potting mix. 5. Plant asparagus fern into the potting mix. 6. Finally water it properly and keep it partial sunlight place.

Coleus plant propagation from cuttings | Super easy method to grow coleu...

Coleus plant (plectranthus scutellarioides) is an evergreen perennial ornamental beautiful foliage decorative house plant, growing up to 3 feet tall. It is belongs to the family lamiaceae and native to the southeast asia through to australia. It's commonly known as coleus and plectranthus scutellarioides. Coleus plant mainly propagate through seedling and stem cutting. In this video I am going to show you how to propagate coleus plant from stem cuttings with update. Coleus propagation steps : 1. First of all cut some healthy stems from the main plant. 2. Making potting mix for coleus, the ratio of the potting mix is 60% garden soil, 20% vermicompost, 20% fine sand and mix it well. 3. Take some grow bags and fill it with potting mix. 4. Take cuttings remove some leaves bottom of the stem cutting and dip into the rooting powder. Plant cuttings into the potting mix. 5. Finally give some water and keep it in partial sunlight place.

Philodendron Propagation From Cuttings | Super Easy Method To Grow Philo...

Philodendron (philodendron ceylon gold) is a perennial ornamental indoor house plant, in the family Araceae. Philodendron is a very easy to grow house plant. It is mainly native to Colombia. In this video I'm going to show you - how to propagate philodendron from cuttings with update. Philodendron propagation step: 1) First of all cut any healthy stem from the main plant, and cut into pieces with at least two nodes. 2) Take a well-drain pot and fill it with river sand. 3) Plant cuttings into the river sand. 4) Finally water it properly and keep it partial sunlight place. Philodendron is a very low maintenance house plant. The caring tips of Philodendron plant. 1) First tip is : Pick a container with well drainage system to avoid root rot. 2) Second tip is potting mix : Plant your Philodendron in well-drain potting mix. 3) Third tip is light : It prefer indirect sunlight or low light for best growth. The interesting point of this plant, it can tolerate low light conditions. 4) Fourth tip is watering : Water your Philodendron every five to seven days, depending on the humidity in the environment. When top of the soil feels dry then water it. 5) Fifth tip is fertilizer : Philodendron plant don't require too much fertilizer. Apply a vermicompost or any liquid fertilizer once in a two to three months.

Super Easy Method To Grow Euphorbia Milii From Cuttings | Crown Of Thorn...

Euphorbia milii or crown of thorns is a perennial succulent flowering plant or shrub growing up to 5 feet tall, in the family euphorbiaceae and native to madagascar. This plant also known as crown of thorns, christ plant or christ thorn and corona de cristo. This plant propagation can be done by stem cutting and you can do it any time of the year, but best growing season is spring. In this video I'm going to show you - how to propagate euphorbia milii or crown of thorns from stem cuttings. Euphorbia milii or crown of thorns propagation step: 1. First of all cut a healthy stem which is 6 to 8 inch long. Before planting stem cutting keep it in shade place 2 to 5 days for callus. 2. Making potting mix for euphorbia milii, the ratio of the potting mix is 60% garden soil, 20% vermicompost, 20% fine sand and mix it well. 3. Take a grow bag and fill it with potting mix. Plant cutting into the potting mix. 4. Finally give some water and keep it in partial sunlight place for a few days. Care tips of euphorbia milii or crown of thorns plant: 1. Soil : It prefer well drained medium such as cactus potting mix. 2. Light : Euphorbia milii want bright light to full sun light 4 hr daly. 3. Watering : Allow soil to dry between thorough waterings. 4. Temperature : The interestings point of this plant, it is a very tolerant to the high temperature. Best grow average room temperature minimum 13 degree celsius.

Super Easy Method To Grow Poinsettia From Cuttings | Euphorbia Pulcherri...

Poinsettia (euphorbia pulcherrima) is a beautiful perennial flowering shrub or small tree growing up to 4 meter tall, in the family euphorbiaceae. It is also known as christmas star, because it's blooms in christmas time. This plants are mainly native to mexico and central america. In this video I'm going to show you - how to propagate poinsettia from stem cuttings with update. Poinsettia propagation step: 1. First of all cut some healthy stems from the main plant. 2. Making potting mix for poinsettia, the ratio of the potting mix is 60% garden soil, 20% vermicompost, 20% fine sand and mix it well. 3. Take some grow bags and fill it with potting mix. 4. Take stem cuttings and dip into the rooting powder. Plant cuttings into the potting mix. 5. Finally water it properly and keep it in partial sunlight place.

Exploring my Urban Oasis : A Tour of my Rooftop Garden

In this video I'm going to show you exploring my urban oasis : a tour of my rooftop garden. Your queries : Green Living on the Rooftop : A Tour of my Garden Rooftop Gardening : A Look at my Urban Oasis Creating a Paradise on my Rooftop: A Garden Tour Rooftop Garden Tour : Growing Fresh Produce in the City Transforming my Rooftop into a Garden : A Walk-through Growing a Garden on my Rooftop : A Tour of my Urban Oasis A Rooftop Garden Adventure : Touring my Urban Jungle Rooftop Gardening : A Tour of my Personal Eden A Visit to my Rooftop Garden : Exploring my Urban Farm Rooftop Garden Tour : Sustainable Living in the City

Super Easy Method To Grow Marigold Plant From Cuttings | Tagetes Erecta ...

Tagetes erecta or commonly called marigolds or african marigold is an annual or perennial, herbaceous flowering plants in the family asteraceae and native to mexico. This plant reaches heights of between 8 and 36 inch. It is widely cultivated as an ornamental plants, medicinal, ceremonial and decorative purposes. In this video I'm going to show you how to propagate marigold or tagetes erecta from cuttings with update. Marigold plant propagation step: 1. First of all take some healthy stem cuttings. 2. Take a seedling tray and cover the drainage holes with some stone chips. 3. Fill it with river sand, water it properly. 4. Plant stem cuttings into the river sand. 5. After 3 weeks cuttings look like this.

Super Easy Method To Grow Christmas Cactus From Cuttings | Schlumbergera...

Schlumbergera or commonly called christmas cactus or thanksgiving cactus is a small genus of cactus with six to nine species found in the coastal mountains of south-eastern brazil. It is also known as crab cactus and holiday cactus etc. This plants grow on trees or rocks in habitats that are generally shady with high humidity, and can be quite different in appearance from their desert-dwelling cousins. Most species of schlumbergera have stems which resemble leaf like pads joined one to the other and flowers which appear from areoles at the joints and tips of the stems. This plant mainly propagate through stem cuttings, cuttings are allowed to dry for 2–5 days for callus. In this video I'm going to show you how to propagate schlumbergera or christmas cactus from cuttings with update. Schlumbergera or christmas cactus propagation step: 1. First of all take some mature stem cuttings. Before planting stem cuttings keep in in shaded place 2 to 5 days for callus. 2. Take a pot and fill it with cocopeat. 3. Take cutting and dip into the rootng powder, plant cutting into the cocopeat. 4. Finally sprinkle little bit of water and keep it partial sunlight place. 5. After 5 weeks cuttings look like this.

Jade plant propagation from cuttings with update

Jade plant propagation from cuttings : Jade plant (crassula ovata) is a perennial succulent plant native to the kwazulu natal and south africa, mozambique, and it is common as a houseplant worldwide. These plants are very easy to grow and maintain, they are a common choice for many plant lovers. It is also known as lucky plant, money plant or money tree. They don’t require a lot of water, and can live for many years. Jade plants are evergreen plants with smooth, round, fleshy leaves that grow in opposing pairs along the branches. Jade plant propagation technique are very easy. Summer is the perfect time for propagating jade plants. In this video I'm going to show you - how to propagate jade plant from cuttings.

Chinese evergreen or aglaonema propagation from cuttings with update

Chinese evergreen (aglaonema) is an evergreen air purifying perennial ornamental beautiful foliage decorative house plant in the Araceae family. This species are mainly native to the tropical and subtropical regions of Asia and New Guinea. It's commonly known as aglaonema. The NASA recommended one of the best air purifying house plant is a chinese evergreen. This plant propagate can be done by stem cutting and dividing the shoots. Best cutting growing season is monsoon, early autumn and spring. In this video I'm going to show you how to propagate chinese evergreen or aglaonema from cuttings with update. Chinese evergreen or aglaonema propagation step: 1. First of all take a stem cutting from the main plant. 2. Take a pot with well drainage system and fill it with cocopeat. 3. Plant cuttings into the cocopeat. 4. Finally sprinkle little bit of water and keep it partial sunlight place. Chinese evergreen is a very low maintenance and low light plant.The caring tips of Chinese evergreen. 1) Light : It prefer indirect sunlight or low light condition for best growth. 2) Potting mix : plant your aglaonema in well drained potting mix. 3) Watering : this plant love moist soil, so keep this soil just moist not soggy. 4) Fertilizer : this plant don't require too much fertilizer. Give vermicompost or any organic compost once in a six months.

Black pepper or peppercorn plant propagation from cuttings | Super easy ...

Black pepper (peppercorn) is a flowering vine, in the family piperaceae. It is commonly known as marich (মরিচ), piper nigrum, peppercorn, kurumulaku, ground pepper etc and native to the malabar coast of India. Black pepper is the most widely cultivated for its fruit, it is mainly used for spices and traditional medicine. Black pepper plants are easy to propagate from stem cuttings. In this video I'm going to show you - how to grow black pepper or peppercorn or piper nigrum or marich plant from cuttings (with update). Black pepper or peppercorn plant propagation step: 1. First of all take a vine cutting from the main plant. 2. Making potting mix for black pepper the ratio of the potting mix is 60% garden soil, 20% vermicompost, 20% fine sand and mix it well. 3. Take some grow bags and fill it with potting mix. 4. Take cuttings and planted into the grow bags. 5. Finally sprinkle little bit of water and keep it partial sunlight place.

DIY Planter Ideas Indoor | How to Make Planter at Home | DIY Planter Fro...

DIY Planter Ideas Indoor | How to Make Planter at Home | DIY Planter From Waste Material | Best Out of Waste. Super easy method to make your own amazing planter for Indoor plants with some coconut coir rope, broken coffee mug, hot glue, oyster shell. The earth is getting harmed with pollution making human life more difficult and somehow we the humans are responsible for this problem as we are throwing garbage and useless items in our surroundings. Bottles are one the most thrown away items as they are used a lot in different forms like broken mug, plastic bottles, water bottles etc. So the best way to reduce the pollution from the earth is recycled the thrown away items and turning them into some useful things and to start with you can recycle the largely produced bottle trash of your house and we the DIY projects would tell a lot of creative and unique ways to make some useable and creative things. Coffee mug planter letting you repurpose the broken mugs and giving your house a natural beauty touch holding your favorite planter, herb garden, and plants in them.

Visit Best Winter Season Flowering and Fruiting Plants Nursery at Jhikir...

Friends today I visited kishalay plant nursery at Jhikira, Howrah, West Bengal (India). I see lots of different variety of plants in the nursery at very cheapest price. This is really one of the best and cheapest nursery in the West Bengal. You can't believe that the plant price is really very low. You can buy any winter season flowering plants like calendula, petunia, pansy, aster, dahlia, chrysanthemum, verbena, cineraria, inka, phlox, cosmos, impatiens, nasturtium, poppy, stock, capsicum just 6 to 10 rupees. Also you can buy fruiting plants like thailand mango tree just 80 rupees, water apple tree just 70 rupees and six different variety of lemon tree just 60 to 70 rupees each plant. All kinds of succulent / cactus and hybrid flowering and fruiting plants and all plant equipment are available at reasonable price. Nursery name : Kishalay Nursery Owner name : Debnath Jana Mobile no : +919732442394 Address : Vill.+P.O - Jhikhira, P.S - Joypur, Dist - Howrah, West Bengal, PIN - 711401 (Near Jhikira Motimoni School). If you want to visit this plant nursery. I mentioned detail address of the nursery.

Super Easy Method To Grow Jade Plant From Cuttings | Jade Plant Propagation

Jade plant (crassula ovata) is a perennial succulent plant native to the kwazulu natal and south africa, mozambique, and it is common as a houseplant worldwide. These plants are very easy to grow and maintain, they are a common choice for many plant lovers. It is also known as lucky plant, money plant or money tree. They don’t require a lot of water, and can live for many years. Jade plants are evergreen plants with smooth, round, fleshy leaves that grow in opposing pairs along the branches. Jade plant propagation technique are very easy. Summer is the perfect time for propagating jade plants. In this video I'm going to show you - how to propagate jade plant from cuttings. Jade plant propagation step: 1. First of all take some healthy stem cuttings from the main plant. 2. Take a pot with well drainage system, fill it with river sand and water it properly. 3. Take stem cuttings and dip into the rooting powder. Rooting powder is not mandatory, you can grow it without any rooting powder. 4. Plant stem cuttings into the river sand and keep it partial sunlight place.

Super Easy Method To Grow Aglaonema From Cuttings

Aglaonema or commonly called chinese evergreens is an evergreen air purifying perennial ornamental beautiful foliage decorative flowering indoor house plant in the family araceae and native to the tropical and subtropical regions of asia and new guinea. The NASA recommended one of the best air purifying house plant is an aglaonema. It is a very low maintenance and low light indoor plant. This plant propagate can be done by stem cutting and dividing the shoots. Best cutting growing season is early autumn and spring. In this video I'm going to show you how to propagate aglaonema or chinese evergreens from stem cuttings. It is a very simple and fastest method. Aglaonema or chinese evergreens propagation step: 1. First of all take a stem cutting from the main plant. 2. Take a pot with well drainage system and fill it with potting mix. 3. Take a stem cutting and planted into the center of the pot. 4. Finally sprinkle little bit of water and keep it partial shade place. Aglaonema is a very low maintenance and low light plant.The caring tips of Aglaonema plant. 1) Light : It prefer indirect sunlight or low light condition for best growth. 2) Potting mix : plant your aglaonema in well drained potting mix. 3) Watering : this plant love moist soil, so keep this soil just moist not soggy. 4) Fertilizer : this plant don't require too much fertilizer. Give vermicompost or any organic compost once in a six months.

Buddha belly bamboo propagation from cuttings in water (with update)

Buddha belly bamboo (bambusa ventricosa) is a species of bamboo plant, mainly native to vietnam and southern china. This species are widely cultivated as an ornamental plant and bonsai. It is commonly known as buddha bamboo or buddha belly bamboo. In this video I'm going to show you - how to grow buddha belly bamboo plant from cuttings in water. Buddha belly bamboo water propagation steps : 1. First of all cut any healthy buddha belly bamboo stem from the main plant. 2. Take a jug and fill it with tap water. Put it in a jug water. 3. Keep it in indirect sunlight place for a few days. 4. After 3 weeks buddha belly bamboo stem look like this. 5. Now I'm making potting mix for buddha belly bamboo plant, the ratio of the potting mix is 60% garden soil, 20% vermicompost, 20% fine sand and mix it well. 7. Take a pot and cover the drainage hole with some coconut husk, fill it with potting mix. 8. Plant buddha belly bamboo into the potting mix. 9. Finally water it properly and keep it in partial sunlight place for few days.

How to grow abelmoschus moschatus or ambrette or muskdana from seeds

Abelmoschus moschatus (ambrette or muskdana or musk mallow) is an aromatic and medicinal flowering plants, in the family malvaceae and native to asia and australia. It is commonly known as muskdana (मुश्कदाना), ambrette, musk mallow, rose mallow, tropical jewel hibiscus, bamia moschata, abelmosk, galu gasturi, musk okra, ornamental okra, yorka okra, etc. It is very easy to propagate from seeds, in this video I'm gong to show you - how to grow abelmoschus moschatus or ambrette or muskdana from seeds (with update). Abelmoschus moschatus propagation step: 1. First of all collect some mature seeds from seed pod. 2. Now I'm making potting mix for seedlings, the ratio of the potting mix is 60% garden soil, 20% fine sand, 20% vermicompost, mix it well. 3. Take a well drain container and fill it with potting mix. 4. Place the seeds on the surface of the potting mix, cover the seeds thin layer of potting mix. 5. Finally water it properly and keep it in a partial sunlight place for few days.

Sansevieria trifasciata hahnii, dwarf snake plant propagation by division

Sansevieria trifasciata hahnii, dwarf snake plant propagation by cuttings or division of rhizome. Sansevieria trifasciata is an evergreen perennial low maintenance, low light indoor house plants in the family asparagaceae and native to tropical west africa from nigeria east to the congo. It's also known as snake plant, mother in law's tongue, dracaena trifasciata, golden hahnii snake plant and sansevieria trifasciata. The NASA clean air study found sansevieria trifasciata has air purification qualities, remove 4 of the 5 main toxins. In this video I'm going to show you - how to grow sansevieria trifasciata hahnii, dwarf snake plant by cuttings or dividing the rhizome.

How to grow croton plant in water with update

How to grow croton plant in water. Simple way growing and propagation of croton plant from stem cutting in water. Croton plant water propagation steps : 1. First of all cut any healthy croton stem from the main plant. Take a stem cutting remove some leaves bottom of the stem cutting, cut it 45 degree angle and dip into the rooting powder. 2. Take a glass and fill it with tap water. 3. Use a sponge to help the stem to straight in water. Put it in a glass water. 4. Keep it in indirect sunlight place. 5. After 4 weeks croton stem look like this. 6. Now I'm making potting mix for croton plant, the ratio of the potting mix is 60% garden soil, 20% fine sand, 20% vermicompost and mix it well. 7. Take a pot and cover the drainage hole with some coconut husk, fill it with potting mix. 8. Plant croton into the potting mix. 9. Finally water it properly and keep it in partial sunlight place for few days.

Natural Rooting Hormone vs Chemical Rooting Hormone

Comparison between organic natural rooting hormone and chemical rooting hormone with result. What is rooting hormone / powder ? Rooting powder is a chemical you can apply to plant cuttings to encourage roots growth and increase the propagation success rate. 1. First of all take some healthy croton stem cuttings and cut it 45 degree angle bottom of the stem cutting. 2. Take two pots and cover the drainage holes with some coconut husk. Fill it with fine river sand and water it properly. 3. Take croton cuttings and dip into the natural rooting hormone aloe vera gel. Plant cuttings into the first pot. 4. Take cuttings and dip into the chemical rooting hormone. Plant cuttings into the second pot. 5. Keep all the cuttings partial sunlight place. 6. After 3 weeks cuttings look like this. 7. Take out croton cuttings from the first pot, which is used natural rooting hormone. Roots are very well developed, using aloe vera gel. 8. Take out croton cuttings from the second pot, which is used chemical rooting hormone. Roots are very well developed, using chemical rooting powder. Both rooting hormones are working well, but used chemical rooting hormone roots are a little bit better developed than natural rooting hormone. So winner is chemical rooting hormone.

Agave angustifolia or century plant propagation

Agave plant or commonly called century plant (agave angustifolia / agave americana) is a very popular beautiful perennial ornamental indoor as well as outdoor plant, in the family asparagaceae and native to mexico and central america. It is also known as caribbean agave, maguey, american aloe, etc. This plants are widely cultivated as a landscape plant in tropical and subtropical climates. Agave plant mainly propagate through division of pups or suckers. In this video I'm going to show you - how to propagate agave plant or century plant. Agave plant propagation step: 1. First of all gently separate the sucker from the main plant with trowel or any gardening tools. 2. Now I'm making potting mix for agave plant, the ratio of the potting mix is 60% garden soil, 20% vermicompost, 20% fine sand, mix it well. 3. Take a pot and cover the drainage hole with some coconut husk, fill it with potting mix. 4. Plant agave sucker into the potting mix. 5. Finally water it properly and keep it in partial sunlight place for few days.