
Saturday 17 October 2020

Kans grass or Saccharum spontaneum (Kash phool)

Kans grass or Saccharum spontaneum (also known as কাশ, Kash phool, Kash flower, wild sugarcane, काँस, କାଶତଣ୍ଡି, কঁহুৱা, நாணல்খাগৰী) is a beautiful perennial grass growing up to 3 meters in height, with spreading rhizomatous roots. It is mainly native to India and Bangladesh, in the Poaceae family. In northeast India, particularly in states of the country like Bengal, Bihar and Orissa, it is cultivated along with major crops. The fiber extracted from Kans grass is strong and flexible. It is widely used for the manufacture of cordage, ropes, mats and baskets.

#kashphool #saccharumspontaneum

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