
Friday 17 December 2021

Crossandra infundibuliformis or firecracker flower propagation and care

Easiest way growing and propagation of crossandra infundibuliformis (firecracker flower) from stem cuttings and care. Crossandra infundibuliformis plant is an evergreen perennial flowering shrub growing to 1 meter tall, in the familly Acanthaceae and native to southeast India and Sri Lanka. It's commonly known as firecracker flower. Crossandra infundibuliformis is a very low maintenance and easy to grow house plant. In this video I'm going to show you - how to propagate crossandra infundibuliformis or firecracker flower plant from stem cuttings and it's care. Crossandra infundibuliformis plant propagation step: 1) First of all cut any healthy stem from the main plant. 2) Now I'm make potting mix for Crossandra infundibuliformis plant, the ratio of the potting mix is 60% garden soil, 20% vermicompost and 20% fine sand. mix it well. 3) Take a grow bag or any container and fill it with potting mix. 4) Take a stem cutting and plant into the potting mix. Don't require rooting powder. It is a very easy process, you can do it any time of the year. 5) Finally give some water and keep it in a partial shaded place. 6) After four weeks cutting look like this. Now transplant into the pot. 7) Take a well-drain pot and cover the drainage holes with some coconut husk. Fill it with potting mix. 8) Plant crossandra infundibuliformis into the potting mix. 9) Finally thoroughly watering. The care tips of crossandra infundibuliformis or firecracker flower plant : 1) Light : It prefer bright indirect sunlight. During summer, don't keep the plant in direct sunlight. This plant requires a minimum temperature of 10 ° Celsius. 2) Watering : Crossandra infundibuliformis plant don't required too much water just keep the soil evenly moist. When top of the soil feels slightly dry then water it. 3) Fertilizer : This plant love rich soil. Use little bit of vermicompost or any house plant fertilizer once in a month.

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