
Sunday 25 April 2021

Propagate Ornamental Sweet Potato Vine from Cuttings and Care Tips

Ornamental Sweet Potato (Ipomoea) is a perennial foliage decorative house plant or vine. This plant mainly grown as a ground cover, hanging plant and hages also. Sweet potato vine is a very easy to grow from cuttings. You can grow cuttings anytime of the year, but best growing season is early spring and autumn. In this video I'm going to show you - how to grow ornamental sweet potato vine and it's care. Propagation step: 1) First of all cut some healthy stem from the main plant. 2) Take two well-drain pot and fill it with cocopeat. 3) Take cutting and dip into the rooting powder (rooting powder is not mandatory). 4) Make a hole center of the potting mix with your finger. place this cutting into the hole and press it gently. 5) Finally thoroughly watering and keep it partial shade place. Ornamental sweet potato vine is a very low maintenance house plants and don't required any special care for this pant. The caring tips of sweet potato vine. 1) First tip is potting mix : Plant your Sweet potato vine in any kind of well-drain potting mix. 2) Second tip is light : sweet potato vine love the sunlight, but it will grow in partial shade and some time in full shade. If you grow it indoor then keep the plant near a window. 3) Third tip is watering : Ornamental sweet potato vine dont requard to much water. Water your vine every four to five days, depending on the humidity in the environment. When top of the soil feels dry then water it.

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