
Sunday 25 April 2021

Multiply Spider Plant in the Nursery Method | Secret of Spider Plant Pro...

Spider plant mainly propagated through spiderettes or pups cuttings easily at any season specially in the spring and monsoon season. Here is the details of the propagation process of Spider plant or Chlorophytum comosum.

Boston fern propagation and care

Boston fern (nephrolepis exaltata) is a very popular evergreen house plant and native to tropical regions throughout the world. The NASA recommended one of the best air purifying house plant is boston fern. It is a very hardy and low maintenance house plant. Boston fern mainly propagated by division of the rhizome. In this video I'm going to show you - how to propagate boston fern and it's care. Boston fern propagation step : 1) First of all we separate the rhizome from the main plant and gently pull it out with the roots. If you feel your rhizome is still connected to the main plant, you can simply cut it off. It is a very easy process you can do it any time of the year. 2) Now I'm make potting mix for boston fern, the ratio of the potting mix is 50% garden soil, 25% cocopeat and 25% vermicompost. Mix it well. Also you can added some perlite for better drainage system. 3) Take a well drain pot and cover the drainage holes with some coconut husk. Fill it with potting mix. 4) Plant the baby fern center of the potting mix. 5) Finally thoroughly watering and keep it in a shaded place for a few days. Boston fern care : The care tips of boston fern. 1) Light : Boston fern prefer bright indirect sunlight for best growth. Too much sunlight can burn the plant leaves. So don't keep this plant in direct sunlight. 2) Soil : Plant your boston fern in organically rich well-drained potting mix. Poorly drained soil can cause root rot and ultimately kill the plant. 3) Watering : Boston fern don't required too much water just keep the soil moist (but not soggy). When top of the soil feels slightly dry then water it. 4) Temperature and Humidity : Boston fern prefer mild temperature between approximately 65 to 75 degree fahrenheit. They can't tolerant either extreme heat or extreme cold. It loves high humidity. 5) Fertilizer : Boston fern don't require too much fertilizer. Use house plant liquid fertilizer once in a month.

DIY Mini Cactus Garden #Shorts

DIY Mini Cactus Garden. Make your own mini cactus garden very simple way with some succulent plant and rock.

Rubber Plant Propagation From Cutting (With Update)

Rubber Tree (Ficus elastica) is a beautiful perennial air purifying house plant, in the family Moraceae. It is native to West Indies, Sri Lanka, and US State of Florida. It will produce lots of oxygen and eliminating air toxins, more than any other plant. The NASA recommended one of the best air purifying house plant. It is also known as Ficus elastica, rubber plant, rubber fig, rubber tree, rubber bush, Indian rubber tree, Indian rubber bush, etc. Rubber plant is a very easy to grow and low maintenance house plants, and does not required any special care for this plant. In this video I'm going to show you - how to propagate rubber plant from stem cuttings.

How to Propagate Spider Plant from Spiderettes or Pups (With Update)

Spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum) is a beautiful foliage perennial flowering house plant, in the family Asparagaceae. It is mainly native to south east Africa, west east Australia. The NASA recommended one of the best air purifying house plant is spider plant. This plant also known as Chlorophytum comosum, Airplane plant, Spider ivy, Ribbon plant, St. Bernard's lily etc. Spider plant is a very easy to grow and low maintenance house plants. In this video I'm going to show you - how to propagate spider plant from spiderettes or pups. Spider plant propagation step: 1) First of all take some spiderettes or pups from the main plant. 2) Take a well-drain container and fill it with cocopeat. 3) Make some holes into the cocopeat with your finger. place this spiderettes into the hole and press it gently. 4) Finally thoroughly watering and keep it partial shade place.

How to Make Cement Pot from Towel and Cement at Home (Easy Way)

DIY making your own cement flower pot with some cement and old towel or cloth (gardening ideas). Very easy way you can make your own cement pot at home. It will attractive looks to increase your home decoratin and you can make your cement pots at cheapest price. DIY projects would tell a lot of creative and unique ways to make some useful and creative things.

How to Make Cocopeat at Home (Easy Way)

Coco peat (coir pith) is a growing medium and it is made from the coconut husk. Coco peat is a beneficial product for plant growers and provides an alternative growing medium. It helps to keep the soil loose and airy helping in better root growth. In this video I'm going to show you how to make cocopeat at home simple and easy way.

Propagate Ornamental Sweet Potato Vine from Cuttings and Care Tips

Ornamental Sweet Potato (Ipomoea) is a perennial foliage decorative house plant or vine. This plant mainly grown as a ground cover, hanging plant and hages also. Sweet potato vine is a very easy to grow from cuttings. You can grow cuttings anytime of the year, but best growing season is early spring and autumn. In this video I'm going to show you - how to grow ornamental sweet potato vine and it's care. Propagation step: 1) First of all cut some healthy stem from the main plant. 2) Take two well-drain pot and fill it with cocopeat. 3) Take cutting and dip into the rooting powder (rooting powder is not mandatory). 4) Make a hole center of the potting mix with your finger. place this cutting into the hole and press it gently. 5) Finally thoroughly watering and keep it partial shade place. Ornamental sweet potato vine is a very low maintenance house plants and don't required any special care for this pant. The caring tips of sweet potato vine. 1) First tip is potting mix : Plant your Sweet potato vine in any kind of well-drain potting mix. 2) Second tip is light : sweet potato vine love the sunlight, but it will grow in partial shade and some time in full shade. If you grow it indoor then keep the plant near a window. 3) Third tip is watering : Ornamental sweet potato vine dont requard to much water. Water your vine every four to five days, depending on the humidity in the environment. When top of the soil feels dry then water it.

DIY Glass Bottle Planter Craft Ideas | Money Plant Wall Hanging Gardenin...

DIY Glass Bottle Planter Craft Ideas | Money Plant Wall Hanging Gardening Ideas : Make your own hanging planter for money plant with some coconut coir rope, beer/wine glass bottle, hot glue, oyster shell and galvanized iron wire. The earth is getting harmed with pollution making human life more difficult and somehow we the humans are responsible for this problem as we are throwing garbage and useless items in our surroundings. Bottles are one the most thrown away items as they are used a lot in different forms like glass bottles, plastic bottles, water bottles etc. So the best way to reduce the pollution from the earth is recycled the thrown away items and turning them into some useful things and to start with you can recycle the largely produced bottle trash of your house and we the DIY projects would tell a lot of creative and unique ways to make some useable and creative things. Glass Bottle planters letting you repurpose the bottles and giving your house a natural beauty touch holding your favorite planter, herb garden, and plants in them. Hang them on the ceiling, mount them on the walls or just display them these cute planters are sure to jazz up your home decor either indoor or outdoor.

Grow Strawberry at Home (With Update)

Strawberry are the most widely cultivated delicious fruit. The fruit is widely appreciated for its characteristic bright red color, juicy texture, aroma and sweetness. It's mainly used in products such as candy, jam, juice, ice cream, milkshakes, pies, chocolates, soap, lip gloss, perfume, and many others. Strawberry plant mainly grow from seeds. In this video I'm going to show you how to grow strawberry at home with update.

How to grow rajnigandha or tuberose from bulbs

Rajnigandha (tuberose) are the most widely cultivated tropical ornamental sweet fragrance flowering plants, in the family Asparagaceae and it's native to Mexico. It is commonly known as Rajanigandha, Polianthes tuberosa, Agave amica. Tuberose plant mainly grow from tubers or bulbs. In this video I'm going to show you - How to grow tuberose or rajnigandha from bulbs. Growing step: 1) First of all separate each bulb and grow it individual pot. 2) Now I'm make potting mix for tuberose plant, the ratio of the potting mix is 60% garden soil, 20% vermicompost, 20% fine sand. mix it well. 3) Take 6 to 8 inch pots and cover the drainage holes with some coconut husk. Fill it with potting mix. 4) Plant one or two bulbs in each pot. 5) Finally thoroughly watering.

How to grow bougainvillea from cuttings with update

Bougainvillea is a beautiful tropical perennial vines which make an attractive addition to your home or garden. It is native mainly to Eastern South America. In this video I am showing you how to propagate bougainvillea from cuttings with update. Propagation of Bougainvillea Cuttings : The easiest of bougainvillea propagation methods is to grow it from cuttings. It can be done at any time of the year. To take a cutting from your bougainvillea. This is a part of the plant that isn’t brand new. Cut a length of softwood that is 4 to 5 inches long and has 4 to 6 nodes on it. If you want, you can dip the end of the cutting in root hormone. Remove any leaves from the cutting and insert it upright in a mix of one part perlite and one part peat. Sink it one or two inches into the growing medium. Keep the pot very warm. Water and spray your cutting every now and again, but don’t let it get overly wet. In a few months it should take root and start to grow into a new plant.

How to propagate fishbone cactus from cuttings with update

Fishbone cactus (Disocactus anguliger) is a beautiful cactus species native to Mexico and it's belong to the family Cactaceae. It is commonly known as zig zag cactus and scientific name is Epiphyllum anguliger. Fishbone cactus is a very low maintenance plant and easy to grow. In this video I'm going to show you - how to propagate fishbone cactus from cuttings with update. Propagation step: 1) First of all take a healthy stem cutting from the main plant. 2) Take a well-drain pot and fill it with coco peat or cactus mix. 3) Make a hole center of the potting mix with your finger. Place this cutting into the hole and press it gently. Don't required any rooting powder. 4) Finally sprinkle little bit of water and keep it partial shade place.

DIY Mini Cactus Garden for Indoors or Outdoors | craft ideas

Magical Fertilizer for Rose Plant | How to Fertilize Rose Plant and Get ...

How to fertilize rose plant and get maximum blooms. Fertilizer helps plants grow healthy roots and colorful blooms. Rose plants are mainly use two types of fertilizer. 1) Chemical fertilizer : You can use little bit of NPK 19 19 19 or 20 20 20 fertilizer in rose plant, but I am recommend to use chemical fertilizer because it can harm wildlife. 2) Organic fertilizer : First is Bone meal : Bone meal is a mixture of dead animal bone dust. Bone meal can be applied for a slow release through the growing season and again in fall to promote root groth and next years flowers. Use two spoon bone meal each rose plant. Second is Mustard cake : Mustard cake fertilizer is very rich in protein. It provides many micronutrients to your rose plant. Take a container with some water and add mustard cake for soaking them. After 2 days liquid solution look like this. The mustard cake fully dissolve into the water. Now it is ready for use. Use 50 ml to 100 ml each rose plant once in a month. You will get mustard cake and bone meal from plant market and also available in e-commerce website.

How to make coir stick for money plant at home

DIY - Make money plant/pothos coir stick/poles with some coir rope and pvc pipe. Money plant coir stick are made by winding coir rope around the PVC pipes or wood sticks. You can make your own coir stick very easy way at home. The coir stick are mainly used for growing small climbers and as support for small flowering plants. Coir stick/poles being porous enables the high moisture retention capacity to the stick and allows the roots of the plant to grip naturally into the coir fibre. Coir stick can be used in any type of pots.These stick are used in nurseries, greenhouse farming and indoor and outdoor horticulture decor also for ornamental plants and vegetables.

Philodendron erubescens or red emerald propagation and care tips

Philodendron erubescens (philodendron red emerald) is a perennial ornamental indoor house plant, in the family Araceae. It is my philodendron erubescens or red emerald plant. Philodendron is a very easy to grow house plant. It is mainly native to Colombia. In this video I'm going to show you - how to propagate philodendron erubescens from cutting and its care. Propagation step: 1) First of all cut any healthy stem from the main plant. 2) Now I'm make potting mix for philodendron plant, the ratio of the potting mix is 60% garden soil, 20% fine sand and 20% vermicompost. Mix it well. 3) Take a well-drain pot and fill it with potting mix. 4) Make a hole center of the potting mix with your finger or any gardening tools. place this cutting into the hole and press it gently. 5) Finally thoroughly watering and keep it partial shade place. Philodendron is a very low maintenance house plant. The caring tips of Philodendron plant. 1) First tip is : Pick a container with well drainage system to avoid root rot. 2) Second tip is potting mix : Plant your Philodendron in well-drain potting mix. 3) Third tip is light : It prefer indirect sunlight or low light for best growth. The interesting point of this plant, it can tolerate low light conditions. 4) Fourth tip is watering : Water your Philodendron every five to seven days, depending on the humidity in the environment. When top of the soil feels dry then water it. 5) Fifth tip is fertilizer : Philodendron plant don't require too much fertilizer. Apply a vermicompost or any liquid fertilizer once in a two to three months.

How to propagate Aralia plant from cutting with update

Aralia plant (spikenard) is an evergreen perennial beautiful foliage decorative indoor house plant or shrub, in the family Araliaceae. It is mainly native to Asia and the Americas. Aralia is a very low maintenance house plants and easy to grow from cutting. In this video I'm going to show you - how to propagate Aralia plant from cutting. Propagation step: 1) First of all cut any healthy stem from the main plant. 2) Now I'm make potting mix for aralia plant, the ratio of the potting mix is 60% normal garden soil, 20% fine sand and 20% vermicompost. Mix it well. 3) Take some pots or plastic cups and make some holes bottom of the plastic cup. Fill it with potting mix. 4) Take cutting and dip into the rooting powder. 5) Make a hole center of the potting mix with your finger or any gardening tools. place this cutting into the hole and press it gently. 6) Finally thoroughly watering and keep it partial shade place.

How to Propagate Kalanchoe Plant from Cutting with Update

Kalanchoe is a tropical succulent flowering plants in the family Crassulaceae. It is mainly native to Madagascar and tropical Africa. It is also known as Kalanchauhuy. It produces beautiful blooms during the winter season. Kalanchoe plant stems are smooth and leafs are thick. Kalanchoe plant mainly propagate through stem cutting and leaf cutting. In this video I'm going to show you propagate through stem cutting. September and october month is the best time for Kalanchoe cutting grow. Propagation step : 1) Take some stem cuttings from the main plant. 2) Make your own potting mix. The ratio of the potting mix is 60% normal garden soil, 20% vermicompost and 20% fine sand. 3) Take a pot with well drainage system and fill it with potting mix. 4) Plant cutting into the pot. 6) Finally Sprinkle little bit of water and keep it shami shaded place.

Grow wandering jew or tradescantia zebrina from cutting with update

Wandering jew (tradescantia zebrina) is a perennial ornamental beautiful foliage decorative house plant. It's commonly known as an inchplant, Zebrina pendula. Because attractive zebra-patterned leaves, the upper surface of the leaves showing purple color and parallel silver-colored stripes and lower leaf surface of the leaves is deep uniform magenta color. This plant mainly native to Mexico, Central America and Colombia. It's commonly grow in hanging pot and ground cover also. It is a very fast growing plant. This plant mainly propagate through stem cutting. It is a very easy process and you can do it any time of the year, but best growing season is early autumn, spring and monsoon. Just cut any stem and plant into the normal soil or coco peat. don't required any kind of rooting powder. Wandering jew is a very low maintenance plant, don't need any special care for this planet. Plant propagation step: 1) First of all take a well drain container and fill it with coco peat. 2) Take wandering jew cuttings and planted into the rooting coco peat. Don't required any kind of rooting powder. 3) Finally sprinkle little bit of water and keep it partial sunlight place.

How to Grow Chrysanthemum/Mums/Guldaudi/Chandra Mallika from Cutting (Ea...

Chrysanthemum (mums) is a beautiful flowering plant in the family Asteraceae. It is commonly known as Mums, Guldaudi, Chandra mallika. This plant are mainly native to East Asia and Northeast Europe. In this video I'm going to show you - how to propagate Chrysanthemum plant easy way (with update). Propagation step : 1) First of all take a well drain container and fill it with sand. 2) Take Chrysanthemum cutting and dip into the rooting powder. 3) Make a hole into the sand with your finger or any gardening tools. Place the cutting into the hole and press it gently. If you don't have any rooting powder you can use cinnamon powder also. 4) Finally sprinkle little bit of water and keep it partial sunlight place. Chrysanthemum plant cutting growing best season is early autumn.

Aralia Indoor Bonsai

Aralia plant is an evergreen perennial beautiful foliage decorative house plant or shrub, in the family Araliaceae. If you want to make indoor bonsai, this is the best plant for indoor bonsai. In this video I'm going to show you - how to make Aralia plant indoor bonsai. Aralia is a semi indoor plants, it is mainly native to Asia and America. #aralia

Marble queen money plant or pothos propagation with update

Marble queen money plant (pothos) is an evergreen beautiful vine growing up to 20 m tall, in the family Araceae. It is mainly native to northern Australia, Southeast Asia, South Asia and West Indies. It is commonly known as marble queen, golden pothos, money plant, Ceylon creeper, hunter's robe, ivy arum, silver vine and devil's vine. Money plant is a very easy to grow house plant and don't require any special care for this plant. In this video I'm going to show you Marble queen money plant propagate correct and simple way. Propagation step: 1) First of all cut any healthy stem from the main plant. 2) Now I'm make potting mix for Money plant. The ratio of the potting mix is 60% garden soil, 20% fine sand and 20% vermicompost. Mix it well. 3) Take a pot with well-drainage system and fill it with potting mix. 4) Make a hole center of the potting mix with your finger or any gardening tools. plant the cutting into the hole and press it gently. 5) Finally sprinkle water and keep it partial shade place.