
Tuesday 14 April 2020

How to grow hibiscus from cuttings with update

Hibiscus is a beautiful perennial flowering house plant in the Malvaceae family. It is mainly native to warm temperate, tropical and subtropical regions throughout the world. It is also known as rose mallow, hardy hibiscus, rose of sharon, tropical hibiscus, sembaruthi flower, gudhal flower and jaswand. Hibiscus plant mainly propagate through stem cutting. In this video I'm going to show you "how to grow hibiscus from cuttings with update".
Following is a step by step guide on growing Hibiscus from cutting:
1) Cut a stem of 6 to 8 inch length at 45-degree angle from an actively growing healthy.
2) Remove all the leaves at the bottom and cut all the top leaves into half or less.
3) Take a small pot with well drainage holes and fill it with potting mix. The ratio of the potting mix is 60% garden soil, 20% fine sand and 20% vermicompost.
4) Dip the cut end of the cutting in a rooting hormone. use rooting powder is not mandatory
5) Make a hole in the soil in the pot and insert the cutting into the soil. You can put 1-2 cuttings in different holes in the same pot.
6) Place the pot in shade where temperature is at 20-26°C.
7) Hibiscus cuttings take about 4-5 weeks to develop new roots and new leaves start to emerge.

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