
Monday 4 March 2019

Grow Jasmine : How to Propagate Jasmine from Cutting and Care

Jasmine is a very popular evergreen tropical perennial flowering vine or shrub around the world especially in the tropics because of it's unique fragrance. It's belong to the Oleaceae family. Jasmine is also the national flower of Indonesia. It's mainly bloom in summer season. This plant are mainly native to tropical and subtropical regions of Eurasia, Europe, South Asia and Southeast Asia. It's commonly known as jasmine, bel , mogra etc. This plant growing up to 10-15 foot tall and it's very easy to propagate through stem cutting.

Caring Tips of Jasmine :

1) Jasmine grow well in most, well drained, sandy garden soil.

2) Jasmine prefer a full sun to partial shade & warm side.

3) Jasmine vine should be planted during Jun to November.

4) Adding of leaf mold compost to the soil makes better growth of the plant. Fertilizer should be applied during spring.

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