
Saturday 9 September 2023

Devil's backbone or Euphorbia tithymaloides propagation from cuttings (w...

Devil's backbone or Euphorbia tithymaloides propagation from cuttings with update. Super easy method to grow devil's backbone or euphorbia tithymaloides or Pedilanthus tithymaloides from stem cuttings. Devil's backbone or pedilanthus plant is a beautiful perennial succulent plant or shrub, in the family euphorbiaceae and native to tropical and subtropical north america and central america. It is also known as euphorbia tithymaloides, pedilanthus tithymaloides. Devil's backbone is a very easy to grow and low maintance house plant. In this video I am going to show you how to propagate devil's backbone or euphorbia tithymaloides from stem cuttings. Devil's backbone or euphorbia tithymaloides propagation step: 1. First of all cut some healthy stem from the main plant. Be careful when you cut stem, the white toxic latex come out from the stem or leaves. After propagation wash your hand very well. 2. Making potting mix for devil's backbone, the ratio of the potting mix is 60% garden soil, 20% vermicompost, 20% fine sand and mix it well. 3. Take some grow bags and fill it with potting mix. 4. Take stem cuttings and plant into the potting mix and don't required rooting powder. It is a very easy process you can do it any time of the year. 5. Finally give some water and keep it in partial sunlight place.

Saturday 26 August 2023

Syngonium Wendlandii or Arrowhead Plant Propagation From Cuttings (With ...

Syngonium wendlandii or arrowhead plant propagation from cuttings with update. Super easy method to grow syngonium wendlandii or arrowhead plant. Syngonium wendlandii (arrowhead plant) is a genus of syngonium, evergreen perennial ornamental house plant or vine, in the family araceae and native to the tropical rain forests in southeast mexico, west indies, central and south america. This are beautiful vine growing up to 10 meter or more. It is also known as arrowhead plant. Syngonium wendlandii plants are easily propagate from stem cuttings. In the video I'm going to show you how to propagate syngonium wendlandii from cutting. Syngonium wendlandii or arrowhead plant propagation step: 1. First of all cut any healthy vine with knife. 2. Take a well-drain pot and fill it with cocopeat or normal garden soil. 3. Plant cutting into the cocopeat and don't required any rooting powder. It is a very easy process you can do it any time of the year. 4. Finally sprinkle little bit of water and keep it in partial shade place.

Super Easy Method to Grow Agave Angustifolia or Century Plant | How to P...

Super easy method to grow agave angustifolia or century plant. How to propagate agave angustifolia. Agave plant or commonly called century plant (agave angustifolia / agave americana) is a very popular beautiful perennial ornamental indoor as well as outdoor plant, in the family asparagaceae and native to mexico and central america. It is also known as caribbean agave, maguey, american aloe, etc. This plants are widely cultivated as a landscape plant in tropical and subtropical climates. Agave plant mainly propagate through division of pups or suckers. In this video I'm going to show you - how to propagate agave plant or century plant. Agave plant propagation step: 1. First of all gently separate the sucker from the main plant with trowel or any gardening tools. 2. Making potting mix for agave plant, the ratio of the potting mix is 60% garden soil, 20% vermicompost, 20% fine sand, mix it well. 3. Take a pot and cover the drainage hole with some coconut husk, fill it with potting mix. 4. Plant agave sucker into the potting mix. 5. Finally water it properly and keep it in partial sunlight place for a few days.

Super Easy Method to Grow Rain lily or Zephyranthes from Bulb | How to P...

Super Easy Method to Grow Rain lily or Zephyranthes from Bulbs | How to Propagate Rain lily from Bulbs. Rain lily is a genus of temperate and tropical flowering plant and native to south america. It is also known as zephyranthes lily, fairy lily, magic lily, rainflower, zephyr lily, zephyranthes candida, atamasco lily etc. They are available in many different colors. Rain lily plant mainly grow from seed and bulb. In this video I'm going to show you how to propagate rain lily from bulbs. Rain lily or zephyranthes propagation step: 1. First of all take out rain lily from the pot. Gently separate all the bulbs and grow it in an individual pot. 2. Making potting mix for rain lily, the ratio of the potting mix is 60% garden soil, 20% vermicompost, 20% fine sand and mix it well. 3. Take two well drain pots and cover the drainage holes with some coconut husk. Fill it with potting mix. 4. Plant rain lily bulbs into the potting mix. 5. Finally water it properly and keep it in partial sunlight place for at least two to three days. After that keep it in full sunlight place.

Super Easy Method to Grow Bougainvillea From Cuttings | How to Propagate...

Super easy method to grow bougainvillea from cuttings | How to propagate bougainvillea from cuttings (with update). Bougainvillea is a very popular perennial tropical flowering plant which make an attractive addition to your home or garden. It is mainly native to brazil, peru and argentina. Bougainvillea plants are easily propagate from stem cuttings. In this video I am showing you how to propagate bougainvillea from cuttings. Bougainvillea propagation step: 1. First of all cut any semi hardwood stem which is 6 to 10 inch long. 2. Making potting mix for bougainvillea, the ratio of the potting mix is 60% garden soil, 20% vermicompost, 20% fine sand and mix it well. 3. Take a well drain pot and cover the drainage holes with some coconut husk. Fill it with potting mix. 4. Take a stem cutting and dip into the rooting powder. Plant cutting into the potting mix. Rooting powder is not mandatory, you can grow it without any rooting powder. It is a very easy process, you can do it any time of the year but best growing season is spring and monsoon. 5. Finally water it properly and keep it in partial sunlight place for a few days.

What is cocopeat? How to use cocopeat and benefits?

Cocopeat is naturally growing media made from the coconut husk. It is a very lightweight and spongy, which is widely used as an organic growing medium. Cocopeat blocks are easily available in plant market or e-commerce website. How to use cocopeat? Take a cocopeat block and place it in a container. Then slowly add water, allow to expand. When it has absorbed enough water it will become loose. This will take about five to ten minutes, then you can break off the cocopeat block with your hand. Now it's ready to use for potting mix. Why to use cocopeat? Cocopeat is used as a soil supplement to keep the soil well drained and holding moisture. It is an ideal medium for seeds germination, so you can easily germinate any seeds in it. Cocopeat is widely used in horticulture for its antifungal properties, water holding abilities and eco-friendly. It can reused for up to five years.

Chinese evergreen or aglaonema plant propagation and care

Chinese evergreen (aglaonema) is an evergreen air purifying perennial ornamental beautiful foliage decorative house plant in the araceae family. This species are mainly native to the tropical and subtropical regions of asia and new guinea. It's commonly known as chinese evergreen. The NASA recommended one of the best air purifying house plant is an aglaonema. This plant propagate can be done by stem cutting and dividing the shoots. Best cutting growing season is monsoon, early autumn and spring. Now I'm going to show you how to propagate chinese evergreen or aglaonema from dividing shoots. Chinese evergreen or aglaonema plant propagation step: First of all take this plant and dividing shoots from the main plant. It is a very simple and fastest method. Separate this shoots from the main plant and grow it individual pots. Now I'm make potting mix for Aglaonema plant. The ratio of the potting mix is 60% normal garden soil, 20% vermicompost and 20% fine sand. Mix it well. Take a pot with well drainage system and fill it with potting mix. Take this dividing shoots and planted into the center of the pot. Finally through watering and keep it partial shade place. Aglaonema is a very low maintenance and low light plant.The caring tips of Aglaonema plant. 1) Light : It prefer indirect sunlight or low light condition for best growth. 2) Potting mix : plant your aglaonema in well drained potting mix. 3) Watering : this plant love moist soil, so keep this soil just moist not soggy. 4) Fertilizer : this plant don't require too much fertilizer. Give vermicompost or any organic compost once in a six months.