
Saturday 3 September 2022

Aglaonema or chinese evergreen propagation and preparing potting mix

Aglaonema or commonly called chinese evergreens is an evergreen air purifying perennial ornamental beautiful foliage decorative flowering indoor house plant in the family araceae and native to the tropical and subtropical regions of asia and new guinea. The NASA recommended one of the best air purifying house plant is an aglaonema. It is a very low maintenance and low light indoor plant. This plant propagate can be done by stem cutting and dividing the shoots. Best cutting growing season is early autumn and spring. In this video I'm going to show you how to propagate aglaonema or chinese evergreens from stem cuttings and preparing potting mix. It is a very simple and fastest method. Aglaonema or chinese evergreens propagation step: 1. First of all take a stem cutting from the main plant. 2. Take a pot with well drainage system and fill it with cocopeat. 3. Take stem cuttings dip into contact fungicide and planted into the center of the pot. 4. Finally sprinkle little bit of water and keep it partial shade place.

Saturday 20 August 2022

Aloe Vera Propagation

Aloe vera is an evergreen perennial succulent plant in the family Asphodelaceae, having some 500 species and native to india, australia, china, mexico, spain, socotra, somalia, sudan. Aloe vera is a popular houseplant with medicinal properties. The sap from leaves has wonderful topical benefits, especially on burns. Their fabulous smooth, glossy, plump foliage and ease of care make these houseplants ideal additions in the home. Aloe vera plant mainly propagate from a leaf cutting and separating aloe pups, in this video I'm going to show you - how to grow aloe vera from separating aloe pups.

Dendrobium orchid propagation from cuttings (with update)

Dendrobium orchid is a beautiful flowering epiphytic in the family orchidaceae and native to southeast asia, including china, india, philippines, japan, indonesia, australia. It is a very large genus, containing more than 1800 species. Dendrobium orchid mainly propagate through stem cuttings, in this video I'm going to show you - how to propagate dendrobium orchid from cuttings. Dendrobium orchid propagation step : 1) First of all take some healthy stem cuttings from the main plant. 2) Take cuttings and dip into the aloe vera gel. 3) Take a container with holes and fill it with sphagnum moss or coconut husk chips. 4) Plant cuttings into the sphagnum moss or coconut husk chips. Sprinkle little bit of water and cover the container. 5) After 2 months cutting look like this.

Kanchan or orchid tree propagation from seeds (with update)

Easiest way growing and propagation of kanchan or orchid tree (bauhinia variegata / bauhinia acuminata) from seeds. Kanchan or commonly called orchid tree, is a beautiful perennial flowering shrub, in the family fabaceae and native to southeast Asia. It is also known as kachnar tree, bauhinia variegata, bauhinia acuminata and mountain ebony. This is a very popular small to medium size tree growing to 10-12 meters tall and it is mainly grow from seed. In this video I'm going to show you how to propagate kanchan tree or bauhinia variegata / bauhinia acuminata from seeds. Bauhinia variegata / bauhinia acuminata propagation step: 1) First of all collect some seeds from mature seed pod. 2) Now I'm making potting mix for kanchan seedling, the ratio of the potting mix is 60% garden soil, 20% vermicompost and 20% fine sand. Mix it well. 3) Take some grow bags and fill it with potting mix. Plant two seeds in each grow bag. 4) Finally water it properly and keep it in a partial sunlight place for a few days. 5) After four weeks seedlings look like this. After few weeks I will plant it into the ground.

Lysimachia Congestiflora Propagation From Cuttings (With Update)

Lysimachia congestiflora or commonly called creeping jenny or golden globes loosestrife, is a beautiful perennial flowering plant in the family primulaceae and native to southeast Asia. It is grown as an ornamental house plant for it's bright yellow flowers and easy maintenance. This plants are mainly grow from stem cuttings, in this video I'm going to show you - how to propagate lysimachia congestiflora or creeping jenny from cuttings. Lysimachia congestiflora or creeping jenny vegetative propagation step: 1) First of all cut some healthy stem from the main plant. 2) Take stem cuttings, remove some leaves from lower part of the stem cutting and dip into the rooting powder. Rooting powder is not mandatory, you can grow it without any rooting powder. 3) Now I'm making potting mix for lysimachia congestiflora, the ratio of the potting mix is 60% garden soil, 20% vermicompost, 20% fine sand, mix it well. 4) Take some grow bags and fill it with potting mix. Plant stem cuttings into the potting mix. 5) Finally water it properly and keep it in partial sunlight place for few days. 6) After 30 days cuttings look like this, now it is ready to transplant. 7) Take a pot with drainage holes and cover the holes with some coconut husk. Fill it with potting mix. Plant lysimachia congestiflora into the potting mix. 8) Finally water it properly.

Bleeding Heart Propagation From Cuttings (With Update)

Bleeding heart (lamprocapnos spectabilis) is an perennial flowering plant or shrub, in the family Papaveraceae and native to Japan, Siberia, Korea and Northern China. It is commonly known as lamprocapnos spectabilis, asian bleeding heart, lamprocapnos, dicentra, etc. In this video I'm going to show you - how to propagate bleeding heart from cuttings.

Kalanchoe Marnieriana Propagation From Cuttings (With Update)

Simple way growing and propagation of kalanchoe marnieriana from stem cuttings. Kalanchoe marnieriana or marnier's kalanchoe is an evergreen succulent shrub with flat, thick, rounded, blue-green leaves and mainly native to northeast Madagascar. It is particularly striking throughout the year, when flowering stalks arise from its center, bearing clusters of rose-pink to red, nodding flowers. Like other kalanchoes plant, this plant can sporadically sprout new plant lets along the edges of leaves, which will eventually fall off, and grow into a new plant. Kalanchoe marnieriana plant mainly propagate through stem cuttings, in this video I'm going to show you - how to propagate kalanchoe marnieriana from stem cutting. Spring is the best season for kalanchoe marnieriana cuttings grow. Kalanchoe marnieriana propagation step : 1) First of all take some healthy stem cuttings from the main plant. 2) Take cuttings, remove some leaves from lower part of the stem cutting and dip into the rooting powder. 3) Making potting mix for kalanchoe marnieriana, the ratio of the potting mix is 60% cocopeat, 20% vermicompost and 20% perlite. Mix it well. 4) Take two well drain pot and fill it with potting mix. Plant cuttings into the potting mix. 5) Finally sprinkle little bit of water and keep it in a partial shaded place.

Make Fruit Picker Using Plastic Bottle | DIY Plastic Bottle Garden Life ...

Simple and easy way to make fruit picker and trowel using plastic bottle. Make your own best and cheapest garden tools at home with plastic bottle. In this video I'm going to show you - how to make garden tools such as fruit picker or fruit harvesting stick and trowel or scooper. Used materials and tools : Soda bottle or any kind of plastic bottle, nylon thread, bamboo stick, marker pen, scissor.

English ivy or hedera helix propagation from cuttings

Easiest way growing and propagation of english ivy or hedera helix from stem cuttings. English ivy is an evergreen ornamental decorative indoor house plant or vine, in the family Araliaceae and mainly native to Western Asia and Europe. It is commonly known as hedera helix, common ivy, just ivy and european ivy. English ivy or common ivy are easy to grow from stem cuttings. In this video I'm going to show you - how to propagate english ivy or hedera helix from cuttings. English ivy or hedera helix propagation step: 1) First of all take some healthy stem cuttings from the main plant. 2) Take cuttings, remove some leaves from lower part of the stem cutting and dip into the rooting powder. 3) Take a well drain pot and fill it with cocopeat. Plant cuttings into the cocopeat. 5) Finally sprinkle little bit of water and keep it in a partial shaded place for a few days.

Snake plant propagation from leaf cuttings (with update)

Easiest way growing and propagation of snake plant by leaf cuttings without using rooting powder. Snake plants (sansevieria trifasciata or dracaena trifasciata) are easily propagated by leaf cuttings or by dividing rhizome. Snake plant is an evergreen perennial low maintenance, low light indoor house plants in the family Asparagaceae and native to tropical West Africa from Nigeria east to the Congo. It's commonly known as snake plant, mother in law's tongue, dracaena trifasciata, golden hahnii snake plant and sansevieria trifasciata. The NASA Clean Air Study found Sansevieria trifasciata has air purification qualities, remove 4 of the 5 main toxins. In this video I'm going to show you - snake plant propagation from leaf cuttings. Snake plant propagation step : 1) First of all take some healthy snake plant leaves. 2) Making potting mix for snake plant, the ratio of the potting mix is 60% garden soil, 20% vermicompost, 20% fine sand and mix it very well. 3) Take a well drain pot and cover the drainage holes with some coconut husk. Fill it with potting mix. 4) Plant sansevieria leaves into the potting mix. 5) Finally water it properly and keep it in a partial shaded place for a few weeks.

Mulberry Tree Propagation From Cuttings (With Update)

Easiest way grow and propagation of mulberry tree or morus alba from cuttings. Mulberry is a fast growing tree it has small colorful fruits that have a sweet and sour taste and they have a lot of health benefits. It is commonly known as morus alba, white mulberry, red mulberry. It is mainly native to india, mexico, america and australia, the most popular mulberry varieties are red, black and white. Mulberry trees are easily grow from cuttings, grafting and seed, you can plant them in ground and container. In this video I'm going to show you - how to propagate mulberry tree from stem cuttings. Mulberry propagation step: 1) First of all cut some healthy stem from the plant, make a cutting 10 to 12 inches long and remove some leaves from lower part of the stem cutting. 2) Take stem cuttings and dip into the rooting powder. 3) Now I'm making potting mix for mulberry tree, the ratio of the potting mix is 60% garden soil, 20% vermicompost, 20% fine sand, mix it well. 4) Take some grow bags and fill it with potting mix. Plant cuttings into the potting mix. 5) Finally water it properly. 6) After 45 days cuttings look like this, now it is ready to transplant.

Monday 18 April 2022

Adenium multicolor grafting | 5 colours of flowers in a single adenium p...

Adenium multicolor grafting, easy way to create five colours of flowers in a single adenium plant. Maybe you have limited area in your garden, this is a great opportunity for you to get multiple colours of a flower on one adenium obesum or desert rose plant. Grafting is a method in which two plants are joined together in such a way that two stems join and grow as a single plant. The plant which is attached to soil is called as "stock" and the cut stem of another plant without the roots is called as "scion". This technique is very useful in propagating improved varieties of various flowers and fruits. Adenium is a perennial tropical and subtropical flowering plants in the apocynaceae family. It's native to the Arabian Peninsula and Africa. Adenium is also known as desert rose. it's mainly propagate through seedling and grafting. Spring is the best season for adenium graft. In this video I'm going to show you - how to multicolor graft adenium or desert rose.

Moon Cactus Grafting With Update | Moon Cactus Propagation 100% Results

Easiest way step by step moon cactus grafting with update. Grafting is a propagating method in which two plants are joined together and grow as a single plant. In grafting lower part which is attached to soil is called rootstock and upper part is called scion. Moon cactus is a very beautiful popular cactus plant in the family cactaceae and commonly known as gymnocalycium mihanovichii, ruby ball, hibotan cacti etc. It is easily propagated by cutting and grafting. Spring is the best season for moon cactus graft. In this video I'm going to show you - how to graft moon cactus (with update).

3 ways to grow spider indoor plants in water and soil

Best 3 ways to grow and propagate spider indoor plants in water and soil. Spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum) is a beautiful foliage evergreen perennial flowering indoor plants, in the family Asparagaceae. It is mainly native to south east Africa, west east Australia. The NASA recommended one of the best air purifying house plant is spider plant. This plant also known as Chlorophytum comosum, Airplane plant, Spider ivy, Ribbon plant, St. Bernard's lily etc. Spider plant is a very easy to grow and low maintenance house plants. In this video I'm going to show you - best 3 ways to grow spider indoor plants in water and soil. Spider plant are mainly propagate from spiderettes or pups. Spider plant grows to about 24 inches tall, though as a hanging plant it can descend many feet. It has fleshy, tuberous roots, each about 2 to 4 inches long. The long narrow leaves reach a length of 8 to18 inches and are around 0.2 to 1.0 inches wide.

Saturday 2 April 2022

Queen of the night or epiphyllum oxypetalum propagation from cuttings (w...

Easiest way growing and propagation of queen of the night or epiphyllum oxypetalum from cuttings. Queen of the night is a beautiful perennial flowering cactus plant, in the family Cactaceae. It rarely blooms only at night and commonly called epiphyllum oxypetalum, princess of the night, night blooming cereus, dutchman's pipe cactus, brahma kamal etc. Queen of the night plants are mainly propagate from stem cuttings and best cuttings growing season is spring. In this video I'm going to show you - how to propagate queen of the night or epiphyllum oxypetalum from cuttings. Queen of the night or epiphyllum oxypetalum propagation step: 1) First of all take a stem cutting from the main plant, before planting the stem cutting keep it in shaded place 2 to 3 days for callus. 2) Take a well drain pot and fill it with cocopeat. 3) After 3 days, plant cutting into the cocopeat. 4) Finally sprinkle little bit of water and keep it in a partial sunlight place for a few days. 5) After 30 days cutting look like this. Look at this root development, roots are very well developed with in 30 days. Now we transplant into the bigger pot for better growth. 6) Making potting mix for queen of the night, the ratio of the potting mix is 40% cocopeat, 20% small gravels, 20% vermicompost and 20% perlite. Mix it well. 7) Take a pot with drainage holes and fill it with potting mix. Plant queen of the night into the potting mix. 8) Finally sprinkle little bit of water.

Anthurium plant propagation and care

Easiest way growing and propagation of anthurium and it's care. Anthurium (anthurium andraeanum) is a very beautiful ornamental flowering indoor plant. Actually it is a genus of about 1000 species of flowering plants, in the family Araceae and native to the Americas. It is commonly known as anthurium, tailflower, flamingo flower, laceleaf. Anthurium plants are mainly propagated from seeds and cuttings. In commercial way to propagate through tissue culture. In this video I;m going to show you - how to propagate anthurium it's care. Anthurium plant propagation step : 1) First of all take out anthurium plant from the pot and remove some potting mix. Gently separate the suckers and grow it in an individual pot. 2) Now I'm make potting mix for anthurium plant, the ratio of the potting mix is 30% coconut husk chips, 40% cocopeat,10% charcoal, 10% vermicompost and 10% perlite. Mix it well. 3) Take two well-drain pots and cover the drainage holes with some coconut husk. Fill it with potting mix. 4) Plant anthurium sucker into the potting mix. 5) Finally sprinkle little bit of water. The important care tips of anthurium plant: 1) Sunlight : Anthurium plant prefers indirect bright light. You can keep indoor at a spot which receives enough indirect bright light. Don't keep the plant in direct sunlight, it can burn the plant leavs. 2) Potting mix : Plant your anthurium in very well-drain soilless potting mix. 3) Watering : Anthurium plant don't required too much water. When potting soil feel slightly dry then water it. Don't overwater this plant. 4) Fertilizer : I prefer organic fertilizer. You can use little bit of vermicompost or any organic house plant fertilizer once every three months.

Grow white jamun tree in pot | Plant dwarf white jamun tree in pot or co...

Jamun's are the most widely cultivated tropical fruit. It's native to Indian, Sri Lanka and Myanmar. It's commonly known as syzygium cumini, jaam, java plum, black plum, jamun or jambolan. Jamun trees are mainly propagate from seed, air layering and grafting. In this video I'm going to show you "How to grow white jamun tree in pot". It is my grafted thailand dwarf variety white jamun tree. I purchase it from my local nursery. First of all make potting mix for white jamun tree. The ratio of the potting mix is 70% normal garden soil, 18% vermicompost, 10% fine sand and 2% bone meal, mix it well. Add one spoon of contact fungicide powder (It is not mandatory). It is mainly used to reduce fungal attack because fruit tree roots to get fungal attack very easily. Take a 12 inch pot with drainage holes. Next year we transplant into the half drum. Fill it with potting mix. Take some coconut husk and cover the drainage holes. Take out white jamun tree from the grow bag with knife. Plant white jamun center of the pot. Finally water it properly.

Philodendron xanadu propagation and care

Easiest way growing and propagation of philodendron xanadu and it's care. Philodendron xanadu (Thaumatophyllum xanadu) is an evergreen perennial indoor house plant in the family Araceae and mainly native to Brazil. It's widely cultivated as a landscape plant in tropical and subtropical climates. Philodendron xanadu plants are easily propagate through division of pups or suckers. In this video I'm going to show you - how to propagate philodendron xanadu and it's care. Philodendron xanadu propagation step : 1) First of all take out philodendron xanadu from the pot and remove some potting mix. Gently separate the suckers and grow it individual pot. 2) Now I'm make potting mix for philodendron xanadu, the ratio of the potting mix is 60% garden soil, 20% vermicompost and 20% fine sand. Mix it well. 3) Take two pots and cover the drainage holes with some coconut husk. Fill it with potting mix. 4) Plant sucker into the potting mix. 5) Finally water it properly. The care tips of philodendron xanadu : 1) Container / pot : Pick a container with well drainage system to avoid root rot. 2) Potting mix : Plant your philodendron xanadu in well drainage potting mix. 3) Light : It prefer indirect sunlight or low light for best growth. The interesting point of this plant, it can tolerate low light conditions. 4) Watering : Water your philodendron xanadu every five to seven days, depending on the humidity in the environment. When top of the soil feels slightly dry then water it. 5) Fertilizer : Philodendron xanadu don't require too much fertilizer. Apply a vermicompost or any organic house plant fertilizer once in a two to three months.

Bonsai Exhibition 2022

Friends yesterday I visited Flower and Bonsai exhibition at Amoragori, Howrah, West Bengal (India). I saw lots of different variety of beautiful bonsai trees in the exhibition like Ficus bonsai, Peepal bonsai, Banyan bonsai and lots more. This is really one of the best exhibition in the West Bengal. Bonsai is a Japanese art form using cultivation techniques to produce small trees in containers that mimic the shape and scale of full size trees. Location : Amoragori Library, Amoragori, Joypur, Howrah, West Bengal - 711401.

Peace lily propagation and care

Easiest way growing and propagation of peace lily or spathiphyllum, and it's care. Peace lily (spathiphyllum) is an evergreen perennial tropical beautiful flowering house plant in the family Araceae and native to tropical regions of the Americas and southeast Asia. The NASA recomended one of the best indoor house plant is peace lily. Peace lily plants are easily propagate through division of pups or suckers. In this video I'm going to show you - how to propagate peace lily and it's care. Peace lily propagation step : 1) First of all take out peace lily from the pot and remove some potting mix. Gently separate all suckers from the main plant with sharp knife and transplant into the individual pot or grow bag. 2) Now I'm make potting mix for peace lily, the ratio of the potting mix is 60% garden soil, 20% fine sand and 20% vermicompost. Mix it well. 3) Take some grow bags or pots and fill it with potting mix. Plant sucker into the potting mix. 4) Finally water it properly. The care tips of peace lily : 1) Container / pot : Pick a container with well drainage system to avoid root rot. 2) Potting mix : Plant your Peace lily in well drainage potting mix. 3) Light : Peace lily prefer light partial shade and don't required to much sunlight. Keep your peace lily in low-light or partial sunlight place. Yellowing leaves indicate that the light is too strong and brown leaves indicate scorching from direct sunlight. 4) Watering : Peace lily love moist soil. Water your peace lily every five to seven days, depending on the humidity in the environment. When top of the soil feel slightly dry then water it. 5) Fertilizer : Peace lily don't require too much fertilizer. use little bit organic house plant fertilizer once every two to three months.

Ruellia simplex or mexican petunia propagation from seeds (with update)

Easiest way growing and propagation of Ruellia simplex or mexican petunia (ruellia tuberosa) from seeds. Ruellia simplex or mexican petunia is an evergreen perennial flowering plant growing to 3 ft tall, in the family Acanthaceae and native to Mexico and South America. It is also known as ruellia brittoniana, ruellia angustifolia, wild petunia, dwarf mexican petunia etc. Ruellia plant mainly propagate through stem cuttings and seeds. In this video I'm going to show you - how to propagate ruellia plant from seeds (with update). Ruellia simplex propagation step: 1) First of all collect some mature seeds, when seed pod color is brown then collect the seeds. 2) Take a well-drain pot or seedling tray and fill it with cocopeat. The main benefit of using cocopeat, you can easily separate and transplant all seedlings. 3) Place the seeds on the surface of the cocopeat. 4) Finally sprinkle little bit of water and keep it in a partial sunlight place for a few days. 5) After 45 days seedlings look like this, now we transplant into the individual grow bags or pots. Take out all seedlings from the pot. Making potting mix for ruellia plant, the ratio of the potting mix is 60% garden soil, 20% fine sand and 20% vermicompost. Mix it well. Take some grow bags or pots and fill it with potting mix. Plant ruellia into the potting mix. Finally water it properly.

Winter flowers in my rooftop garden

In this video I'm going to show you my rooftop garden amazing beautiful winter flowers - Pansy, Impatiens, Chrysanthemum (hardy chrysanthemums), Dahlia, Marigold (tagetes), Verbena, Calendula, Celosia, Stock, Poinsettia flowers.

Dahlia plant propagation from cuttings (with update)

Easiest way growing and propagation of Dahlia plant from stem cuttings. Dahlia is a beautiful perennial flowering plant, in the family Asteraceae and native to Mexico and Central America. Dahlia plants are easy to grow from stem cuttings. In this video I'm going to show you - how to propagate dahlia plant from stem cuttings (with update). Dahlia plant propagation step: 1) First of all take some stem cuttings 3 to 4 inch long. Dahlia plant best cuttings growing time is October to November month. 2) Take a seedling tray or any well-drain container and cover the drainage holes with some stone chips. Fill the seedling tray with some river sand and water it properly. 3) Take a stem cutting and dip into the rooting powder. Make a hole into the sand with your finger. Place the cutting into the hole and press it gently. Similar way plant all cuttings into the sand. 4) Keep seedling tray in partial sunlight place and sprinkle little bit of water every alternate day. 5) After 15 days dahlia plant cuttings look like this. Roots are well developed with in 15 days. Now we transplant into the individual pot. Making potting mix for dahlia plant, the ratio of the potting mix is 60% garden soil, 20% fine sand and 20% vermicompost. Mix it well. Take some grow bags or pots and fill it with potting mix. Plant dahlia into the potting mix. Finally water it properly.

Tillandsia or air plant growing and care tips

Tillandsia or commonly called air plant is an evergreen perennial flowering house plants, in the family Bromeliaceae and native to the forests, mountains and deserts of northern Mexico and south-eastern United States. The interesting point of this plant. This plant are totally different from any other plants, that don't require any soil. Air plants are actually epiphytes. Epiphytes are plants that grow on the surface of another plant and absorb it moisture and nutrients from the air and rain water. orchid is another example for epiphytes. In this video I'm going to show you simplest way tillandsia or air plant growing and care tips. Mounting Air plants (Tillandsia ionantha) : The simplest way is to hang them in air using a string. You can also mount them on rocks, wooden pieces, flower vase and so on. Air plant is a very low maintenance house plants. The care tips of air plant. 1) Watering : Air plants don't require too much water. You can mist your air plants two to three times in a week, depending on the humidity levels. 2) Light : It prefer bright to medium indirect light. Don't keep the plant in direct sunlight, it can reduce the moisture level. 3) Humidity and Temperature : Air plants love high humidity, generally it required around 65% and required temperature between 10 to 30 degrees celsius. 4) Fertilizer : Air plants don't require too much fertilizer. You ca use little bit of orchid fertilizer or NPK 20 20 20 in to the mister and spray two to three mists once in a month.

Chinese Evergreen or Aglaonema Propagation

Easiest way growing and propagation of chinese evergreen or aglaonema from stem cuttings. Aglaonema is an evergreen air purifying perennial ornamental beautiful foliage decorative house plant in the Araceae family. This species are mainly native to the tropical and subtropical regions of Asia and New Guinea. It's commonly known as Chinese evergreens. The NASA recommended one of the best air purifying house plant is an Aglaonema. This plant propagate can be done by stem cutting and dividing the shoots. Best cutting growing season is early autumn and spring. Now I'm going to show you how to propagate aglaonema from stem cuttings. Aglaonema Propagation Steps: First of all take a stem cutting from the main plant. It is a very simple and fastest method. Take a pot with well drainage system and fill it with cocopeat. Take cuttings and planted into the center of the pot. Finally sprinkle little bit of water and keep it partial shade place.

Visit Best and Cheapest Plant Nursery at Jhikira Howrah | Kishalay Nursery

Friends today I visited kishalay plant nursery at Jhikira, Howrah, West Bengal (India). I see lots of different variety of plants in the nursery at very cheapest price. This is really one of the best and cheapest nursery in the West Bengal. You can't believe that the plant price is really very low. You can buy indoor plants like areca palm from just 10 rupees. Also you can buy fruiting plants like ranchi papaya just 10 rupees and six different variety of lemon tree just 50 rupees each plant. All kinds of succulent / cactus and hybrid flowering and fruiting plants and all plant equipment are available at reasonable price. Nursery name : Kishalay Nursery Owner name : Debnath Jana Mobile no : +919732442394 Address : Vill.+P.O - Jhikhira, P.S - Joypur, Dist - Howrah, West Bengal, PIN - 711401 (Near Jhikira Motimoni School). If you want to visit this plant nursery. I mentioned detail address of the nursery.