
Thursday 30 January 2020

How to make a hole in ceramic coffee mugs/cups for indoor planting

Grow indoor plants in coffee mugs/cups. In this video I'm going to show you how to make a hole in ceramic coffee mugs/cups for indoor planting.

Gerbera plant grow and care tips

Gerbera is a very popular flowering plants in the family Asteraceae. Gerbera is mainly native to tropical regions of South America, Africa and Asia. It's also commonly known as Gerbera daisy, African daisy, Transvaal daisy or Barberton daisy.

Gerbera daisy planting steps:
First we remove this polythene bag. Now I'm make potting mix for gerbera plant. The ratio of the potting mix is 60% normal garden soil, 20% vermicompost or fully decompot cow dung and 20% fine sand. Mix it well. Take a pot with well drainage system and cover the drainage holes with some coconut husk. Fill it with some potting mix. Take this gerbera plant and plant into the centre of the pot. finally throw watering.
Gerbera is a very low maintenance flowering plant.

The caring tips of gerbera plant :
First tip is container : Pick a container with well drainage system, to avoid root rot.
Second tip is potting mix : Plant your gerbera in well drained potting mix.
Third tip is light : Keep your plant in a spot with enough sunlight.
Fourth tip is watering : Water your gerbera deeply whenever the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch.
Fifth tip is fertilizer : Fertilize your plant monthly during the growing season.
Sixth and final tip is : Remove dead leaves and blooms.

Friday 17 January 2020

Grow Chinese Orange or Calamondin or Philippine lime in pot

The Calamondin orange or Philippine lime tree (Chinese orange), often known as miniature orange, is a perennial ornamental tree producing fragrant flowers and a small tangerine like fruit. It is commonly known as Calamondin, Philippine lime. The fruit has a tart, acid flavor similar to a lime or lemon. It's belongs to the family Rutaceae and mainly native to the Philippines, southern China and Taiwan. Calamondin is also used as an ingredient in the cuisines of Indonesia and Malaysia. In this video I'm going to show you how to grow calamondin orange in pot.

Monday 6 January 2020

Grow gladiolus bulbs or corms in pot

Gladiolus is a perennial cormous flowering plants in the family Iridaceae. It is commonly known as Plural gladioli, Sword lily. It's mainly native to Asia, Mediterranean Europe, South Africa and tropical Africa. Gladiolus mainly propagate through corms or bulbs.

Planting season: October for plains and March to April for hills.

#gladiolus #greenbengal

Thursday 2 January 2020

How to Propagate Okinawan Spinach or Gynura Bicolor from Cutting

Okinawan spinach, Gynura bicolor, Edible gynura, is a member of the chrysanthemum family (Asteraceae). It is native to the Thailand, China and Myanmar. Okinawan spinach is a perennial flowering plant, whose main attraction is its clump of chocolate-purple leaves with green, with a tropical, fleshy appearance. I wouldn't have guessed it was a composite, but sure enough, the flowers that appear above the foliage in fall are like a cross between groundsel and a dandelion. It is a perennial and therefore found for sale throughout the year. However, winter and spring is the best time.