
Monday 18 June 2018

How to Grow Cactus Plant : Propagate cactus from stem

In this video I’m going to show you "How to Grow Cactus Plant".

Cactus plant growing steps :

1) Cute any healthy stem.

2) Take a pot with well drainage system.

3) You can make your own potting mix by mixing 40% garden soil, 40% fine sand and 20% organic compost.

4) Fill it with potting mix.

5) Make a hole in the centre of the potting mix with your finger or any gardening tools.

6) Place stem in the hole and press it gently.

7) Give some water.

8) Keep it semi shaded areas.

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Monday 11 June 2018

How to Grow a Pineapple Plant at Home Easy Way

In this video I'm going to show you "How to Grow a Pineapple Plant at Home Easy Way". Pineapple (Ananas comosus) is one of the healthiest food that helps you lose weight and prevent cancer. You can either eat them fresh, juiced, cooked or preserved. If you want them in your garden, this versatile tropical fruit is easy to grow.

Pineapple Plant Growing Steps:
1) Take a Pineapple and make sure to chose one that's nice and healthy green leaves at the top portion.
2) Cut top of the pineapple.
3) Remove the lower leaves to expose the stem.
4) Take a pot with well drainage system and fill it with potting mix, you can make your own potting mix the ratio of the soil is 60% garden soil, 20% fine sand or river sand and 20%  vermicompost or fully decomposed cow dung.
5) Make a hole in a center of the potting mix and place the pineapple crown in the hole and press it gently.
6) Give some water.
7) Keep this cutting semi shaded place. 
Thank you for watching my video.

Monday 4 June 2018

How to propagate croton from cutting

   In this video I'm going to show "How to propagate croton from cutting". Crotons (Scientific name is Codiaeum variegatum) are very popular ornamental house plants in tropical and subtropical climates because of their brilliant leaves in red, yellow, green, purple, orange and mixed colour all year round. It's a very low maintenance plants.

The croton plant can grow 3 to 8 feet high with a spread of up to 6 feet. In extremely favorable conditions, it can even reach up to 12 feet. Crotons plants are grown as an indoor or outdoor plants in indirect sunlight in most climates.Too much sunlight bleaches the colors of the leaves, actually many croton cultivers prefer, light shade partial shade. However, many crotons cultivars can grow best in full sun.

Crotons are cultivated in the Indian subcontinent, Southeast Asia, New Guinea and the Pacific Islands and also a native of Australian.

Following is a step by step guide on growing croton from cutting:

1) Cut a stem of 5-6 inch length at 45-degree angle from an actively growing healthy and mature croton bush using a pair of clean, sharp pruning shears. The croton cutting should have at least three sets of leaves at the top. The cut should be just below a leaf joint.

2) Remove all the leaves at the bottom and cut all the top leaves into half or less.

3) Take a polybag or small pot and fill it with equal part of fine sand (river sand) 40% and garden soil 40% and organic compost 20%.

4) Dip the cut end of the cutting in a rooting hormone.

5) Make a hole in the soil in the pot and insert the cutting into the soil. You can put 3-4 cuttings in different holes in the same pot.

6) Place the pot in shade where temperature is at 20-30°C.

7) Croton cuttings take about 4 weeks to develop new roots and new leaves start to emerge.